
Defined in header “ark/awlog/manifest.hh”.

This is similar to a standard Ark log manifest, with the exception being that it is built for awlogs.


  • core::Guid awlog_identifier
    The identifier of the awlog. This can be used to uniquely identify the awlog itself.

  • core::Guid parent_identifier
    If set, will represent the parent that this awlog originally came from. For example, this might represent the parent log, or a parent scenario, or just be left unset.

  • core::Guid common_identifier
    An identifier common to all logs within a “family” (ie, all logs or scenarios that share some data).

  • AwlogDataSource data_source
    Data source for this log.

  • std::string name
    The human-readable name of this manifest.

  • std::map< std::string, std::string > metadata
    Key value pairs, mapping a name to a JSON structure.

  • std::map< std::string, ChannelManifest > channels
    Mapping of channel names to their metadata.