


Defined in “ark/lidar/hokuyo/data.hh”:

  • using HokuyoUam05Packet = std::variant< HokuyoUam05Version, HokuyoUam05Data >
    A variant containing some Hokuyo data.

Defined in “ark/lidar/sick/data.hh”:

  • using SickTim5xxPacket = std::variant< SickTim5xxData, SickTim5xxFirmwareVersion >
    A variant that contains various pieces of information that the parser could read.


Defined in “ark/lidar/baraja/data.hh”:

  • constexpr uint8_t BARAJA_SPECTRUM_PACKET_VERSION= 1
    Supported packet version number.

Defined in “ark/lidar/baraja/stages/baraja_sweep_builder_stage.hh”:



Declared in “ark/lidar/baraja/data.hh”:

Declared in “ark/lidar/baraja/intrinsics.hh”:

Declared in “ark/lidar/hokuyo/data.hh”:

  • std::string build_hokuyo_stream_data_command(bool enabled)
    Builds the command that we can send out to enable/disable streaming.

  • std::string build_hokuyo_request_version_command()
    Builds the command that we can send out to request version information.

  • bool validate_hokuyo_packet_checksum(const std::string_view & raw_data)
    Validates the checksum of the UAM05 Hokuyo packet.

Declared in “ark/lidar/hokuyo/intrinsics.hh”:

  • HokuyoReturnGroup parse_hokuyo_uam05_packet(const HokuyoUam05Data & data)
    Parses the given Hokuyo packet that contains angle/range data, and returns 3D point data.

Declared in “ark/lidar/sick/data.hh”:

  • std::string build_scan_data_command(uint32_t enabled)
    Returns a string suitable for sending a “scan data” command to a remote SICK TIM5xx. The integer value is the parameter in the command.

  • std::string build_firmware_version_command()
    Returns a string suitable for requesting the firmware version from a remote SICK TIM5xx.

  • uint32_t sick_microseconds_at_angle(const SickTim5xxData & data, double radians)
    Computes a timestamp offset to go from the ’time since startup’ to the time when the scanner was at the given radians.

    Returns a result in microseconds.

Declared in “ark/lidar/sick/intrinsics.hh”:

  • SickReturnGroup parse_sick_tim5xx_packet(const SickTim5xxData & data)
    Parses the given SICK (TIM5xx) packet that contains angle/range data, and returns 3D point data.

Declared in “ark/lidar/velodyne/data.hh”:

  • VelodyneProductType velodyne_product_type_from_data_packet(const VelodyneDataPacket & packet)
    Helper function to convert the raw velodyne product type to the enum product type.

  • VelodyneReturnMode velodyne_return_mode_from_data_packet(const VelodyneDataPacket & packet)
    Helper function to convert the raw velodyne return mode to the enum return mode.

  • std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point resolve_capture_time(uint32_t packet_timestamp_us, const std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point & time_base)
    Helper function to convert the given timestamp from a velodyne packet (in microseconds since the top of the hour) into a full timestamp, given the timestamp in the frame that you are synchronizing the velodyne to (for example, UTC time).

Declared in “ark/lidar/velodyne/intrinsics.hh”:

  • VelodyneCalibrationData velodyne_vlp32c_calibration_data()
    Returns the velodyne VLP32-C calibration data (which is fixed and known from the manual).

  • VelodyneCalibrationData velodyne_vlp16_calibration_data()
    Returns the velodyne VLP16 calibration data (which is fixed and known from the manual).

  • bool is_velodyne_common_data_packet(const comms::UdpPacket & packet)
    Return true if the packet is a velodyne ‘common’ data packet.

  • bool is_velodyne_common_data_packet_corrupt(const VelodyneDataPacket & data)
    Check for corrupt data packets, typically indicated by incorrect block header values.

  • size_t parse_velodyne_common_data_packet(std::vector< VelodyneReturn > & returns, const VelodyneCalibrationData & calibration, const std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point & packet_timestamp, const VelodyneDataPacket & data)
    Parse a velodyne ‘common’ data packet handling the correct return mode. Pass in the timestamp that you wish to stamp on this packet (typically either resolved capture time, or pipeline time).

  • std::pair< double, double > parse_velodyne_common_sensor_angle_radians(const VelodyneCalibrationData & calibration, const VelodyneDataPacket & data)
    Helper function to extract the start and end velodyne sensor angle from the packet.