


Defined in “ark/crypt/jwt.hh”:

  • using JwtClaim = std::variant< std::string, std::vector< std::string > >
    A variant a claim can either be a string or an array in our system.

  • using JwtDecoderPtr = std::shared_ptr< JwtDecoder >

Defined in “ark/crypt/tls_stream.hh”:

  • using TlsStreamPtr = std::shared_ptr< TlsStream >


  • ark::crypt::HashContext
    This class allows you to compute a hash over incoming content that might not all arrive at the same time (for example, to update it with multiple independent data blocks).

  • ark::crypt::JwtDecoder
    This class allows you to avoid reparsing the public key each time you want to validate a JWT. It will construct a verifier once, and re-use that each time.

  • ark::crypt::JwtDecoderSet
    This class allows you to handle validating and decoding JWT tokens from a set of public keys (such as from JWKS).

  • ark::crypt::OpenSslSingleton
    This is used to ensure OpenSSL is only initialized once.

  • ark::crypt::SrpClient
    An SRP client a single instance of this can be used to authenticate with a remote SRP source (such as AWS) once.

  • ark::crypt::TlsContext
    A TLS context can be used to generate new TLS streams that all have something in common (such as common certificates or key files).

  • ark::crypt::TlsStream
    A TLS stream can be used with something (like for example a socket) to establish a secure connection between endpoints.

  • ark::crypt::X509Certificate
    Forms a class suitable for constructing X509 certificates.

  • ark::crypt::AesEncryptedPair
    AES-encrypted data, produced from one of the APIs in this header file.

  • ark::crypt::GeneratedKeyPair
    This is returned when you generate a new key pair, and it contains DER-encoded public and private keys.

  • ark::crypt::JwksKeySet
    A structure containing a mapping of JWKS keys for JWT verification.

  • ark::crypt::JwtClaims
    Extracted JWT claims.

  • ark::crypt::JwtPair
    A structure that is returned when constructing a JWT (for testing purposes).

  • ark::crypt::RsaPublicKey
    This is an exponent/modulus pair, each encoded in base64.


Declared in “ark/crypt/aes.hh”:

  • std::string generate_aes_key(size_t key_length)
    Helper function to generate a key for use with AES. Key length is in bytes, and should be either 16, 24, or 32.

  • AesEncryptedPair aes_gcm_encrypt_message(const std::string & key, const std::string & data)
    Encrypts the given message with the AES-GCM algorithm, returning the encrypted bytes. Throws on error.

  • std::string aes_gcm_decrypt_message(const std::string & key, const AesEncryptedPair & data)
    Decrypts the given message with the AES-GCM algorithm, returning the decrypted bytes. Throws on error.

Declared in “ark/crypt/base62.hh”:

  • std::string base62_encode_string(const std::string_view & content)
    Encodes the given string into a base62 string (without line breaks).

  • std::string decode_base62_string(const std::string_view & encoded)
    Decodes the given string from a base62 string.

  • std::string base62_encode_guid(const core::Guid & guid)
    Encodes the given GUID as a base62 string.

  • core::Guid decode_base62_guid(const std::string_view & encoded)
    Decodes the given GUID from a base62 string.

Declared in “ark/crypt/base64.hh”:

  • std::string base64_encode_string(const std::string_view & content)
    Encodes the given string into a base64 string (without line breaks).

  • std::string decode_base64_string(const std::string_view & encoded)
    Decodes the given string from a base64 string.

  • std::string urlsafe_base64_encode_string(const std::string_view & content)
    Encodes the given string into a web-safe base64 string. Essentially base64, without character that make storing in a URL difficult.

  • std::string decode_urlsafe_base64_string(const std::string_view & encoded)
    Decodes the given string from a web-safe base64 string.

  • std::string urlsafe_base64_encode_guid(const core::Guid & guid)
    Encodes the given string into a web-safe base64 string. Essentially base64, without character that make storing in a URL difficult.

  • core::Guid decode_urlsafe_base64_guid(const std::string_view & encoded)
    Decodes the given string from a web-safe base64 string.

Declared in “ark/crypt/crc16.hh”:

  • uint16_t compute_crc16_ccitt(const std::string_view & content, uint16_t initial_vector)
    Computes a CCITT CRC16, initializing with the initial_vector provided.

  • uint16_t compute_crc16_kermit(const std::string_view & content, uint16_t initial_vector)
    Computes a CCITT Kermit CRC16, initializing with the initial_vector provided.

Declared in “ark/crypt/crc32.hh”:

  • uint32_t compute_crc32(const std::string_view & content)
    Computes the CRC32 of the given content.

Declared in “ark/crypt/hash.hh”:

  • HashAlgorithm from_string(std::string_view hash)
    Returns the hash algorithm from the given string.

  • std::string to_string(HashAlgorithm algorithm)
    Returns the string form of the given hash algorithm.

  • std::string compute_hex_hash(HashAlgorithm algorithm, const std::filesystem::path & path)
    Computes a hash of the given file, returning it as a digest (hex-encoded) string suitable for display.

  • std::string compute_hex_hash(HashAlgorithm algorithm, const std::string & content)
    Computes a hash of the given string, returning it as a digest (hex-encoded) string suitable for display.

    This is a convenience routine for compute_hex_hash with std::string_view, as otherwise there is ambiguity between this and the path-based API.

  • std::string compute_hex_hash(HashAlgorithm algorithm, const std::string_view & content)
    Computes a hash of the given string, returning it as a digest (hex-encoded) string suitable for display.

  • std::string compute_raw_hash(HashAlgorithm algorithm, const std::filesystem::path & path)
    Computes a hash of the path, returning a digest (raw bytes) suitable for being placed into a bignum. This is more efficient than reading the file into memory beforehand.

  • std::string compute_raw_hash(HashAlgorithm algorithm, const std::string & content)
    Computes a hash of the given string, returning a digest (raw bytes) suitable for being placed into a bignum.

    This is a convenience routine for compute_raw_hash with std::string_view, as otherwise there is ambiguity between this and the path-based API.

  • std::string compute_raw_hash(HashAlgorithm algorithm, const std::string_view & content)
    Computes a hash of the given string, returning a digest (raw bytes) suitable for being placed into a bignum.

Declared in “ark/crypt/hex.hh”:

  • std::string hex_encode_string(const std::string & content)
    Encodes the given string into a hex string (without line breaks).

  • std::string hex_encode_string(const void * content, size_t length)
    Encodes the given string into a hex string (without line breaks).

  • std::string decode_hex_string(const std::string & encoded)
    Decodes the given string from a hex string.

Declared in “ark/crypt/hkdf.hh”:

  • std::string derived_sha256_hkdf_key(const std::string & secret, const std::string & salt, const std::string & info)
    Returns an HKDF (SHA256) derived key, based on the given secret, salt, and information you are encoding.

Declared in “ark/crypt/hmac.hh”:

  • std::string generate_sha256_hmac(const std::string_view & text, const std::string_view & key, HmacGenerationFlags flags)
    Generates a SHA256-based HMAC for the given key and plain text, returning the result as a base64 string.

Declared in “ark/crypt/jwk.hh”:

  • std::string encode_jwk_as_pem(const std::string & e, const std::string & n)
    Takes the ’e’ and ’n’ components of a JWK and converts it into a PEM encoded key, suitable for use with our RSA verification routines.

    The assumption is that e and n are in “base64url” encoding (not base64 encoding). Finally, the algorithm used here is RS256.

Declared in “ark/crypt/jwt.hh”:

  • JwtClaims decode_jwt(const std::string & token)
    This routine decodes a JWT token without validating it. This will extract all of the common claims for you.

  • JwtClaims validate_jwt(const std::string & token, const std::string & public_key)
    This simple API accepts an encoded JWT token, validates it (throwing if the token is invalid either structurally or from a signature), and then returns a parsed structure containing metadata within that token.

  • JwtPair generate_jwt(const JwtClaims & claims)
    Generates a JWT from the given data. Useful for testing.

  • JwtPair generate_jwt(const JwtClaims & claims, const crypt::GeneratedKeyPair & key_pair)
    Generates a JWT from the given data, signing it with the specified keypair.

Declared in “ark/crypt/key_pair.hh”:

  • GeneratedKeyPair generate_rsa_key_pair(size_t bitsize)
    Generates a new RSA keypair, with the specified bitsize.

  • RsaPublicKey decode_rsa_public_key(const std::string & public_key)
    Decodes a DER-encoded (in base64) or PEM-encoded public RSA key into its component pieces.

  • std::string rsa_sign_message(const std::string & private_key, const std::string & message, SignatureFormat signature_format)
    Signs the given content using the specified private key. It assumes the private key was provided from “generate_rsa_key_pair” (in other words, that is a DER-encoded private key, encoded in base64).

  • std::string rsa_sign_message_with_digest(const std::string & private_key, HashAlgorithm digest_algorithm, const std::string & digest, SignatureFormat signature_format)
    Signs a message with a precomputed digest (of the given algorithm type). This can be used to sign things when you already have a digest (and no message content).

  • std::string rsa_sign_message(const std::string & private_key, const std::filesystem::path & path, SignatureFormat signature_format)
    Generates a signature/hash for the given path using the speicifed private key. It assumes the private key was provided from “generate_rsa_key_pair” (in other words, that is a DER-encoded private key, encoded in base64).

  • bool rsa_verify_message(const std::string & public_key, const std::string & message, const std::string & signature, SignatureFormat signature_format)
    Verifies the given content, returning true if the message and signature can be validated against the given public key. Assumes the public key is a DER-encoded public key (in base64), and that the signature is a base64 encoded signature coming from “rsa_sign_message”.

  • bool rsa_verify_message(const std::string & public_key, const std::string_view & message, const std::string & signature, SignatureFormat signature_format)
    Verifies the given content, returning true if the message and signature can be validated against the given public key. Assumes the public key is a DER-encoded public key (in base64), and that the signature is a base64 encoded signature coming from “rsa_sign_message”.

  • bool rsa_verify_message(const std::string & public_key, const std::filesystem::path & path, const std::string & signature, SignatureFormat signature_format)
    Verifies the content in the given path. If the signature was provided from rsa_hash_and_sign_path, then this will verify the hash. Otherwise, assumes it is base64-encoded signature coming from “rsa_sign_message”.

  • std::string make_public_der_key_pem_key(const std::string & der_key)
    Converts a DER-encoded public key into a PEM-encoded key.

  • std::string make_private_der_key_pem_key(const std::string & der_key)
    Converts a DER-encoded private key into a PEM-encoded key.

  • std::string generate_fake_pkcs_style_signature(size_t bits)
    Generates a fake RSA-style signature in the PKCS 1.5 format. Useful for pretending that a signature is valid/exists.

Declared in “ark/crypt/token.hh”:

  • std::string generate_secret_token()
    Generates a new secret suitable for use in signing tokens.

  • std::string create_ark_token(const std::map< std::string, std::string > & values, const std::string & secret)
    Creates a new token from the given set of key/value pairs.

  • std::map< std::string, std::string > decode_ark_token(const std::string & token, const std::string & secret)
    Decode the given token. If the signature doesn’t match the secret, or the token structure is invalid in some way, throws. Returns the list of values.