Defined in header “ark/crypt/jwt.hh”.
Extracted JWT claims.
const std::string & payload_claim(const std::string & name)
Returns the given payload claim as a string, or throws if that claim doesn’t exist. -
const std::vector< std::string > & payload_claim_as_array(const std::string & name)
Returns the given payload claim broken into an array, or throws if that claim doesn’t exist. -
std::optional< std::string > maybe_payload_claim(const std::string & name)
Returns the given payload claim as a string, if it exists. Otherwise, returns an empty optional.
std::string key_id
The key id (kid, if any). -
std::chrono::system_clock::time_point issued_at_time{}
The time that this JWT was issued at. -
std::chrono::system_clock::time_point expiration_time{}
The time that this JWT expires. -
std::map< std::string, JwtClaim > payload_claims
A flat list of payload claims (string to string mappings).