MembershipPermission (uint32_t)
The type of authorization permitted for organization ownership. -
AccessTokenRetrievalMethod (int32_t)
Retrieval modes for access tokens. -
AttributeQueryCompareOperation (int32_t)
Operations related to the ‘attribute query rule’. -
AttributeQueryCombineOperation (int32_t)
Operations related to grouping multiple attribute rules together.
Defined in “ark/catalog/api_gateway/service.hh”:
- using CreateDatabaseConnectionFn = std::function< database::AbstractDatabaseConnectionPtr(const std::string &url)>
A function pointer for producing connections.
Defined in “ark/catalog/organizations.hh”:
constexpr static core::Guid CATALOG_ORGANIZATION_TBD{ {0xfb, 0x42, 0xa4, 0x6a, 0x35, 0x50, 0xa2, 0x2e, 0x72, 0xb9, 0xa1, 0x8e, 0x28, 0x92, 0x55, 0x99}}
A well-known identifier for the TBD organization. The human-readable GUID is “2ea25035-6aa4-42fb-9955-92288ea1b972”. -
constexpr static core::Guid CATALOG_ORGANIZATION_GLOBAL{ {0x77, 0x47, 0x77, 0x77, 0x77, 0x77, 0x77, 0x77, 0x77, 0x77, 0x77, 0x77, 0x77, 0x77, 0x77, 0x77}}
A well-known identifier to match ‘all’ organizations. This is used for ingest jobs to run against any log. The human-readable GUID is “77777777-7777-4777-7777-777777777777”.
This client is used to authenticate to the catalog, retrieving access tokens necessary to use the API. It is generally preferred to use this client over the AWS-based clients, as this communicates through the Catalog. -
Wrapper around the base Catalog API which adds automatic authentication/refreshing. Otherwise, this is a straight passthrough. -
This class encapsulates all of the state/messaging necessary for the API gateway. -
The catalog query parser. Instantiates a parser, which can be used to process query strings, and produce catalog queries. -
This class manages scheduling jobs for the catalog it can periodically query the catalog database to determine which ingest jobs need to run, and then schedules them. -
This class will store timestamped rbuf messages in a series of buckets, and can be used to periodically produce parquet files that can be sent to the catalog or written to disk.Use this for accumulating metrics, onboard or offboard. The intent of this is to allow deterministic creation of parquet files.
This queue is used to store telemetry events, and then handles packaging them up for pushing up to a remote server. Can also handle storage on local disk in the event that comms is not available or the system is down. -
A stage that can receive telemetry from over the pipeline, and forward them on to the catalog safely. Note: The owning organization configuration must be set in the Pipeline Metadata to define what organization owns the Telemetry data. -
Helper to publish TelemetryValueGroups. -
This class will spawn a test instance of a catalog API gateway. -
A stage that will handle uploading artifacts to S3 (and notifying the catalog) based on configuration. -
A stage that can work in conjunction with the telemetry stage or upload artifact stage to automatically upload file / metrics bundles to the Catalog. Useful for pushing things like parquet-files to Catalog. -
Contains a pairing of artifact identifiers and names. -
Contains an attribute query rule. This allows you to query on particular attributes or parameters, so that you can use rules like ’less then’ or ‘doesn’t equal’. -
A grouping of attribute query rules. -
Contains a attribute query rule that is used within a group setting (with an additional operation). -
Struct to hold the result of an authentication request via Authentication Client. -
This structure represents the configuration that we use for the catalog API gateway. -
This is returned from parsing a search string, and is a structured set of ’things’ to query the catalog on. -
Configuration for the scheduler service. This allows you to setup the database and various services the scheduler interacts with. -
Contains a collection description essentially the definition of the description along with it’s artifact identifiers. -
A structure containing variables that can be used for substitution within a command line. -
A configuration structure for your metric queue, allowing you to specify intervals and persistence paths. -
This message is sent out when secrets are received from the robot (typically after re-authenticating). It was kept outside of rbuf to make it more of a challenge to spy on/log (even if that reasoning is a bit weak). -
Detailed configuration for constructing an API gateway. -
A configuration structure meant to setup how an attachment should be uploaded to the catalog.
Declared in “ark/catalog/api_gateway/auth.hh”:
- void append_authorization_to_where(std::stringstream & where_statement, const char * where_prefix, const std::string & organization_source_table, const rest::Authorization & authorization, std::vector< std::string > & parameters, MembershipPermission permission)
Appends a where query to the given where statement that includes authorization searches based on the authorization given. Parameters will be updated with the necessary queries.
Declared in “ark/catalog/api_gateway/membership.hh”:
constexpr MembershipPermission operator|(MembershipPermission lhs, MembershipPermission rhs)
Operator for adding an option to the list. -
constexpr MembershipPermission operator&(MembershipPermission lhs, MembershipPermission rhs)
Operator for adding an option to the list. -
MembershipPermission & operator|=(MembershipPermission & lhs, MembershipPermission rhs)
Operator for adding an option to the list. -
MembershipPermission & operator&=(MembershipPermission & lhs, MembershipPermission rhs)
Operator for adding an option to the list.
Declared in “ark/catalog/api_gateway/organizations.hh”:
- bool is_authorization_for_organization(const rest::Authorization & authorization, database::AbstractDatabaseConnectionPtr & connection, const core::Guid & organization_identifier, MembershipPermission permission)
Returns true if the given authorization statement is in the specified organization. If the authorization is for a user, checks against the user database, and if its a ‘client ID’, then checks against the robots.
Declared in “ark/catalog/api_gateway/robots.hh”:
- void validate_update_robot_telemetry_request(const UpdateRobotTelemetryRequest & request)
Checks the given request to determine if it is valid; throws if its invalid with appropriate details.
Declared in “ark/catalog/api_gateway/testing/helpers.hh”:
- std::filesystem::path create_catalog_test_database(const std::filesystem::path & base_path)
This routine will spawn a database, populate it with test data, and then return a reference to the path it was created in.
Declared in “ark/catalog/attachments.hh”:
UploadAttachmentConfig initialize_attachment_config(const logging::Manifest & manifest, const std::string & remote_filename)
Popuate an upload attachment config (artifact identifier, organization) from a manifest. -
void upload_attachment(const UploadAttachmentConfig & config, CatalogApi & api, const core::ByteBuffer & data)
Uploads an attachment to the catalog, using the given configuration and API client. The data in the byte buffer ‘data’ will be uploaded to the catalog, after receiving a presigned URL location for said data.If attachment_artifact_identifier is set, an attachment will be registered (pointing at the uploaded data).
void upload_attachment(const UploadAttachmentConfig & config, CatalogApi & api, const std::filesystem::path & local_path)
Uploads an attachment to the catalog, using the given configuration and API client. The data file ’local_path’ will be uploaded to the catalog, after receiving a presigned URL location for said data.If attachment_artifact_identifier is set, an attachment will be registered (pointing at the uploaded data).
comms::HttpRequestOptions to_request_options(const UploadAttachmentConfig & config, const PresignUploadAttachmentResponse & presign_response)
Converts the given config and response into a set of HTTP request options.
Declared in “ark/catalog/database_url.hh”:
- std::string get_catalog_url(const std::string & username, const std::string & password, const std::string & host)
Returns a formatted postgres URL for connecting to the catalog database, based on the input parameters.
Declared in “ark/catalog/files.hh”:
std::string key_name_for_metrics(const std::string & table_name, const std::string & extension, const std::string & robot_serial, const std::chrono::system_clock::time_point & first_timestamp)
Returns a key name that is appropriate for use for storage of metrics on a remote server. Essentially forms a partionable stream based on the date, such that the format looks something like:<table_name>/2023-06-27/<robot_serial>/2023-06-27_06-10-00.parquet Note to ensure data is largely idempotent, you’ll want to bucket onto your side into deterministic timestamps.
TimeType bucket_name_for_metrics(const TimeType & metrics_timestamp, const DurationType & output_interval)
Returns a good ’time bucket’ to use given the provided timestamp and the interval that you are writing files out with.
Declared in “ark/catalog/ingest.hh”:
core::Guid get_manifest_organization_identifier(const logging::Manifest & manifest)
Returns the given manifest’s organization identifier, based on what is available in said manifest. -
ArtifactRegistrationRequest make_registration_request(const logging::Manifest & manifest)
Takes the given manifest and creates a registry request out of it. This is used to “register” logs with the catalog. -
void validate_create_attachment_request(const CreateInternalAttachmentRequest & request)
Validate a CreateInternalAttachmentRequest. -
std::string format_annotations_results(const GetInternalAttachmentResponse & response)
Output a string that creates a human-readable version of the response for Logged_Annotations. -
std::string format_distilled_report(const GetInternalAttachmentResponse & response)
Output a string that creates a human-readable version of the response for LogDistilledReport. -
std::vector< CreateExternalAttachmentRequest > create_amendment_history_links(const logging::Manifest & manifest)
Takes the manifest and processes the possible log family chain to create links.
Declared in “ark/catalog/jobs.hh”:
std::string serialize_command_line(const std::vector< std::string > & command_line)
The command line for a job is stored in the database as a JSON array, for convenience. This serializes it. -
std::vector< std::string > deserialize_command_line(const std::string & command_line)
The command line for a job is stored in the database as a JSON array, for convenience. This deserializes it. -
BatchJobCommand merge_batch_job_command(const BatchJobCommand & lhs, const BatchJobCommand & rhs)
Merges two batch job commands, combining command line arguments and attributes. The “right hand side” wins over the “left hand side”. -
std::vector< std::string > process_command_line(const CommandLineVariables & variables, const std::vector< std::string > & source)
Processes the given command, replacing variables with their equivalent values. -
std::string serialize_job_rules(const IngestJobRuleSet & rules)
Serializes a set of job rules to JSON. -
IngestJobRuleSet deserialize_job_rules(const std::string & rules_json)
Deserializes a set of job rules from JSON. -
bool does_artifact_pass_rules(const PrimaryArtifactMetadata & metadata, const std::map< std::string, std::string > & attributes, const IngestJobRuleSet & rules)
Applies the set of rules to the given artifact (and attributes). Returns true if the rules apply to that artifact, or false otherwise. -
std::string make_batch_job_artifact_name(const std::string & collection_name, size_t item_index_in_collection, const BatchJobCommand & common_command, const BatchJobCommand & specific_command)
Computes the name for a batch job artifact, based on the commands and the original request/collection name.
Declared in “ark/catalog/sign.hh”:
std::string rsa_hash_and_sign_file(CatalogApi & client, const core::Guid & organization_id, const std::string & key_name, const std::filesystem::path & path)
Signs and hashes the given path, using the given API gateway client. This will hash the file, then reach out to the catalog to sign the hash. The result will be an ‘Ark Signature’. -
std::string rsa_hash_and_sign_message(CatalogApi & client, const core::Guid & organization_id, const std::string & key_name, const std::string_view & message)
Signs and hashes the given message, using the given API gateway client. This will hash the message, then reach out to the catalog to sign the hash. The result will be an ‘Ark Signature’. -
bool verify_signed_authorized_keys(const std::string & public_key, const std::string & content)
Verifies the given authorized_keys file, based on the public key given. Returns true if verified, false otherwise.
Declared in “ark/catalog/tools/extract_catalog_annotations/annotation_attachment.hh”:
- catalog::CreateInternalAttachmentRequest make_annotation_attachment_request(core::Url & log_url)
Reads the log for annotations to generate a CreateInternalAttachmentRequest.
Declared in “ark/catalog/tools/extract_catalog_video/preferred_image.hh”:
- std::optional< std::string > find_best_camera(const logging::Manifest & manifest)
This routine looks through a manifest and tries to find a channel to use for camera images. It first looks for preferred images, then falls back to what is available.