Declared in “ark/colormap/colormap.hh”:
std::array< float, 3 > get_grayscale_color(float value, float minimum, float maximum, bool clamp_value)
Takes the given value and maps it to a linear grayscale color. The minimum and maximum colors are used to bound the ‘cycle’ of the colormap (in other words, the colors are mapped from minimum to maximum, and colors will repeat as you go outside of those bounds).Colors are returned as an RGB pair, as floats, scaled from 0.0f to 1.0f.
std::array< float, 3 > get_jet_color(float value, float minimum, float maximum, bool clamp_value)
Takes the given value and maps it to the jet color. The minimum and maximum colors are used to bound the ‘cycle’ of the colormap (in other words, the colors are mapped from minimum to maximum, and colors will repeat as you go outside of those bounds).Colors are returned as an RGB pair, as floats, scaled from 0.0f to 1.0f.
std::array< std::array< uint8_t, 3 >, 63 > high_contrast_colorset()
Return a list of 63 high contrast colors.