


Declared in “ark/version/version.hh”:

  • std::string get_compiler_version()
    Returns the compiler name and version number, based on defines.

  • VersionInformation get_version_information()
    Returns information related to the build of this software, including git commit and tag information.

  • VersionInformationSet get_version_information_set()
    Returns a set of version information related to the build of the software. This will include both the Ark repository and any additional top-level repositories.

  • VersionInformation get_version_information(const std::filesystem::path & path)
    Loads the given JSON file that hosts version information and returns its contents. This could be different then what is baked into a binary.

  • std::filesystem::path get_ark_version_file_relative_path()
    Returns the relative path to the Ark version information JSON file. This is the relative path to the file, not including the path to your repository and the build directory.

  • std::filesystem::path get_toplevel_version_file_relative_path()
    Returns the relative path to the toplevel repository version information JSON file. This is the relative path to the file, not including the path to your repository and build directory.