Definitions (#defines)

Declared in “ark/debuglog/debug_logger.hh”:

  • LINFO_SPECIFIC(logger, text, args…)
    This is similar to the LINFO() macro, but allows you to log an informational message to a specific logger, rather than the global singleton.

  • LWARN_SPECIFIC(logger, text, args…)
    This is similar to the LWARN() macro, but allows you to log a warning message to a specific logger, rather than the global singleton.

  • LERROR_SPECIFIC(logger, text, args…)
    This is similar to the LERROR() macro, but allows you to log an error message to a specific logger, rather than the global singleton.

  • LDEBUG_SPECIFIC(logger, text, args…)
    This is similar to the LDEBUG() macro, but allows you to log an error message to a specific logger, rather than the global singleton.

  • LINFO_VERBOSE_SPECIFIC(logger, verbosity, text, args…)
    This is similar to the LINFO_VERBOSE() macro, but allows you to log an informational message to a specific logger, rather than the global singleton.

  • LWARN_VERBOSE_SPECIFIC(logger, verbosity, text, args…)
    This is similar to the LWARN_VERBOSE() macro, but allows you to log a warning message to a specific logger, rather than the global singleton.

  • LERROR_VERBOSE_SPECIFIC(logger, verbosity, text, args…)
    This is similar to the LERROR_VERBOSE() macro, but allows you to log an error message to a specific logger, rather than the global singleton.

  • LDEBUG_VERBOSE_SPECIFIC(logger, verbosity, text, args…)
    This is similar to the LDEBUG_VERBOSE() macro, but allows you to log an error message to a specific logger, rather than the global singleton.

  • LOG_SPECIFIC_VERBOSE_THROTTLED_WITH_CLOCK(logger, level, verbosity, clock, period, text, args…)
    Logs a message at the specified verbosity and severity level, only printing at most every ‘period’ seconds.

  • LOG_SPECIFIC_VERBOSE_ONCE(logger, level, verbosity, text, args…)
    Logs a message at the specified verbosity and severity level exactly once.

Declared in “ark/debuglog/log.hh”:

  • LINFO(text, args…)
    Logs an ‘informational’ message. This is a message that is intended to give information to a user. Consider using LINFO_VERBOSE to set a priority (the default priority is zero).

  • LWARN(text, args…)
    Logs a ‘warning’ message. This is a message that is intended to warn a user that something might be wrong. Consider using LWARN_VERBOSE to set a priority (the default priority is zero).

  • LERROR(text, args…)
    Logs an ’error’ message. This is a message that is intended to let a user know that something is definitely wrong. Consider using LERROR_VERBOSE to set a priority (the default priority is zero).

  • LDEBUG(text, args…)
    Logs a ‘debug’ message. This is a message that is intended to give information to a developer. Consider using LDEBUG_VERBOSE to set a priority (the default priority is zero).

  • LINFO_VERBOSE(verbosity, text, args…)
    Logs an ‘informational’ message at a higher verbosity. This is hidden from the user unless they request a higher verbosity level.

    Use this for messages that don’t normally need to be visible to a user, but could be, if debugging a particularly hard problem.

  • LWARN_VERBOSE(verbosity, text, args…)
    Logs a ‘warning’ message at a higher verbosity. This is hidden from the user unless they request a higher verbosity level.

    Use this for messages that don’t normally need to be visible to a user, but could be, if debugging a particularly hard problem.

  • LERROR_VERBOSE(verbosity, text, args…)
    Logs an ’error’ message at a higher verbosity. This is hidden from the user unless they request a higher verbosity level.

    Use this for messages that don’t normally need to be visible to a user, but could be, if debugging a particularly hard problem.

  • LDEBUG_VERBOSE(verbosity, text, args…)
    Logs a ‘debug’ message at a higher verbosity. This is hidden from the user unless they request a higher verbosity level.

    Use this for messages that don’t normally need to be visible to a user, but could be, if debugging a particularly hard problem.

  • LINFO_THROTTLED(period, text, args…)
    Logs an ‘informational’ message at the specified verbosity, only printing at most every N seconds.

  • LINFO_VERBOSE_THROTTLED(verbosity, period, text, args…)
    Logs an ‘informational’ message at the specified verbosity, only printing at most every N seconds.

    Use this for messages that don’t normally need to be visible to a user, but could be, if debugging a particularly hard problem.

  • LWARN_THROTTLED(period, text, args…)
    Logs a ‘warning’ message at the specified verbosity, only printing at most every N seconds.

  • LWARN_VERBOSE_THROTTLED(verbosity, period, text, args…)
    Logs a ‘warning’ message at the specified verbosity, only printing at most every N seconds.

    Use this for messages that don’t normally need to be visible to a user, but could be, if debugging a particularly hard problem.

  • LERROR_THROTTLED(period, text, args…)
    Logs a ’error’ message at the specified verbosity, only printing at most every N seconds.

  • LERROR_VERBOSE_THROTTLED(verbosity, period, text, args…)
    Logs a ’error’ message at the specified verbosity, only printing at most every N seconds.

    Use this for messages that don’t normally need to be visible to a user, but could be, if debugging a particularly hard problem.

  • LDEBUG_THROTTLED(period, text, args…)
    Logs a ‘debug’ message at the specified verbosity, only printing at most every N seconds.

  • LDEBUG_VERBOSE_THROTTLED(verbosity, period, text, args…)
    Logs a ‘debug’ message at the specified verbosity, only printing at most every N seconds.

    Use this for messages that don’t normally need to be visible to a user, but could be, if debugging a particularly hard problem.

  • LINFO_ONCE(text, args…)
    Logs an ‘informational’ message exactly once.

  • LINFO_VERBOSE_ONCE(verbosity, text, args…)
    Logs an ‘informational’ message exactly once at the given verbosity level.

  • LWARN_ONCE(text, args…)
    Logs a ‘warning’ message exactly once.

  • LWARN_VERBOSE_ONCE(verbosity, text, args…)
    Logs a ‘warning’ message exactly once at the given verbosity level.

  • LERROR_ONCE(text, args…)
    Logs an ’error’ message exactly once.

  • LERROR_VERBOSE_ONCE(verbosity, text, args…)
    Logs an ’error’ message exactly once at the given verbosity level.

  • LDEBUG_ONCE(text, args…)
    Logs a ‘debug’ message exactly once.

  • LDEBUG_VERBOSE_ONCE(verbosity, text, args…)
    Logs a ‘debug’ message exactly once at the given verbosity level.

Declared in “ark/perf/tracer.hh”:

    Invoke to start profiling a particular block of code. Make sure to invoke PROFILER_STOP when you are complete, or you may corrupt your trace.

    Invoke to stop profiling a block of code previously started with PROFILER_START.

    Invoke to start profiling a particular block of code (typically scoped with {} operators). This will automatically stop tracing when the block exits (either normally or via an exception), and is generally safer to use then manual PROFILER_START/PROFILER_STOP calls.

Declared in “ark/testing/exceptions.hh”:

    Executes the code specified in TRY_BLOCK. It’s expected that this code will generate some type of exception, and that the exception will contain MESSAGE as a substring. If it does not contain MESSAGE, or does not throw an exception, this will fail your test.