Command Line Arguments

If desired, your stage can add its own command line arguments. This will be picked up automatically if using the main_offboard or main_onboard modules.

Do this by populating the add_arguments virtual API in the Stage class. For example:

class ArgumentStage : public Stage
    /// Constructor. Does nothing.
    ArgumentStage() : Stage("ArgumentStage")

    /// Adds arguments to the command line parser.
    void add_arguments(core::ArgumentParser &parser) const override
        auto &group = parser.add_option_group("My Group");
        group.add_option("test").help("Set this to enable testing.");

    /// Handles if arguments are set or not.
    void initialize(StageInterface &interface)
        if (auto arguments = interface.parsed_arguments())
            LINFO("Test count is {}", arguments->count("test");

Always make sure parsed_arguments is set in your initialize method; there are conditions in which you can run a pipelien without processing arguments, and it will be a nullptr in those cases.

As mentioned previously, if using main_offboard or main_onboard, these arguments will be automatically handled.

If not, you need to do a little work on your side. If you don’t have any other command line parser, you can handle ‘parsing’ arguments in the pipeline like so:

    Pipeline pipeline;

    int argc = 2;
    const char *argv[3] = {"test", "--test", nullptr};

    pipeline.parse_arguments(argc, argv);

This will generate a parser and parse the arguments for you, returning the result of the parse if desired. All stages will also have access to the parsed arguments.

If you want to use a custom parser, you can also provide that as the first argument to the parse_arguments API.