
Defined in header “ark/catalog/api_gateway/service.hh”.

This structure represents the configuration that we use for the catalog API gateway.


  • comms::NetworkAddress bind_address
    The network address for the gateway to bind to.

  • std::string database_url
    The URL of the database this gateway connects to.

  • std::string geoip_username
    GeoIP-service username (if any).

  • std::string geoip_password
    GeoIP-service password (if any).

  • std::string public_catalog_url= “http://localhost:1234/"
    The public URL of the catalog. Used primarily for authentication.

  • std::string environment_prefix= “unknown”
    The underlying environment prefix this is running in (such as ‘prod’).

  • std::string aws_account_id= “unknown”
    The AWS account that this instance of the catalog is running under.

  • std::string user_pool_client_id
    The user pool client identifier.

  • std::string user_pool_client_secret
    The user pool client secret.

  • CreateDatabaseConnectionFn create_connection_fn
    A function pointer to spawn database connections.

  • aws::JwksClientPtr jwks_client
    A reference to the JwksClient that we use to resolve JWT claims.

  • aws::IdentityProviderClientPtr auth_client
    A reference to the identity provider client we use for authorization.

  • aws::CloudwatchClientPtr cloudwatch_metrics_client
    A reference to the CloudWatch client for metrics.

  • aws::CloudwatchLogsClientPtr cloudwatch_logs_client
    A reference to the CloudwatchLogs client for debuglog messages.

  • aws::S3ClientPtr s3_log_client
    A reference to the log bucket.

  • aws::S3ClientPtr s3_attachment_client
    A reference to the attachment bucket.

  • aws::S3ClientPtr s3_file_client
    A reference to the bucket that files can be uploaded to.

  • aws::KmsClientPtr kms_client
    A reference to the client to talk to the KMS.

  • aws::EcrClientPtr ecr_client
    A reference to the client to talk to the ECR.

  • aws::StsClientPtr sts_client
    A reference to the client we use to talk to the STS.