
Defined in header “ark/crypt/tls_stream.hh”.

A TLS stream can be used with something (like for example a socket) to establish a secure connection between endpoints.


  • using native_handle_type = int
    A typedef for the native handle type (for file descriptors).


  • TlsStream(SSL_CTX * context)
    Constructor. Initializes the stream from the given context.

  • ~TlsStream()
    Destructor. Cleans up resources.

  • size_t write(std::string_view message)
    Writes the given bytes over this stream. Returns the number of bytes actually written.

  • std::string read()
    Reads some number of bytes from the stream and returns them as a string.

  • void set_native_handle(native_handle_type handle)
    Sets the file descriptor for the stream.

  • void accept()
    Accepts the incoming client, handling negotiation.

  • void connect()
    Connects over this file descriptor, handling negotation.

  • std::string get_peer_certificate()
    Returns the peer certificate for this connection, PEM encoded.