Defined in header “ark/aws/auth_client.hh”.
A request to the cloud to initiate an authentication.
std::string client_id
The identifier of the client that is registering. -
std::string client_secret
A client secret, sometimes required to authenticate. -
AuthenticationFlow flow= AuthenticationFlow::SrpAuthentication
The authentication flow (type/mechanism). For example, password-based, or token-based. -
std::string username
The username to authenticate with. -
std::string password
The password to authenticate with. Only necessary for the Srp and Password authentication flows. -
std::string mfa_code
One-Time Password for MFA. Only necessary if MFA is enabled. -
std::string session_name
Name of the authentication session to resume. Used for MFA. -
std::string refresh_token
A refresh token to authenticate with. Only necessary for the ‘RefreshToken’ flow. -
std::string srp_A
The ‘A’ token for SRP flows where you are initiating the control flow yourself (ie, calling initial_srp_authentication rather than authenticate). -
std::string timestamp
The ’timestamp’ used for SRP flows. -
std::string password_secret_block
The ‘password claim secret block’ when using SRP flows. -
std::string password_hmac
The ‘HMAC’ (password claim signature) when using SRP flows. -
bool use_classic_flow= true
The type of ‘flow’ you are using set to true for classic (“basic”) flow.