
Defined in header “ark/aws/batch_client.hh”.

A wrapper around the AWS batch APIs, allowing you to submit jobs and check on their status.


  • BatchClient()
    Constructor. Prepares a new batch client.

  • ~BatchClient()
    Destructor, so we can free up the implementation.

  • std::string register_job_definition(const BatchJobDefinitionRegistration & registration)
    Registers a new job definition. Throws if this fails to register. Returns a unique identifier (the ARN) of the registered job.

  • std::string submit(const BatchJobRequest & request)
    Submits the given job request, returning back a job identifier that you can use to track the job status.

  • std::vector< BatchJobState > get_job_state(const std::vector< core::Guid > & job_identifiers)
    Returns the state of the given jobs (by identifier).