
Defined in header “ark/aws/testing/cognito_up_server.hh”.

This is a Cognito “user pool” emulator something that allows us to register groups/users/etc against a user pool, useful for integration tests.


  • CognitoUserPoolServer()
    Constructor. Initializes a new, blank user pool.

  • ~CognitoUserPoolServer()
    Destructor. Shuts down the system.

  • core::Url endpoint()
    Returns the endpoint that you should connect to in order to work with this user pool.

  • const std::string & id()
    Returns the user pool identifier that you should use for working with this pool.

  • const std::string & client_id()
    Returns the client identifier for working with this pool.

  • void add_user(const std::string & username, const std::string & email)
    Support for manually adding a user to the database. We don’t support adding users through the standard APIs, our mock server bypasses that part of the workflow.

  • void set_s2s_keypair(const crypt::GeneratedKeyPair & key_pair)
    Sets the key pair used for signing server-to-server tokens.