
Defined in header “ark/canbus/canopen/sdo_download.hh”.

This class manages transferring data from the host to the remote.

It automatically chooses Expedited, Segmented, or Block transfer based on amount of data.


  • Manager(size_t block_threshold)

  • void setup(uint16_t index, uint8_t subindex, const core::ByteBuffer & data)
    Sets up for transfer.

  • void setup(uint16_t index, uint8_t subindex, const std::vector< uint8_t > & data)

  • core::ByteBuffer initiate_transfer()
    Begins the segmented transfer. Returns the data payload to send to the SSDO to initiate the transfer.

  • std::vector< core::ByteBuffer > continue_transfer(const core::ByteBuffer & reply)
    Receives the data from a CAN packet, and sends a request for additional data (if necessary, or an empty optional if the buffer is complete). The returned buffer vector is a set of CANopen payloads that should be sent to the SSDO that we are transferring data to.

    Returns an empty vector if transfer is complete.

  • uint32_t status()
    Returns the SDO result code, when complete.

  • bool complete()
    Returns true if complete.