Defined in header “ark/canbus/canopen/sdo.hh”.
A queue of SDOs that needs to go out. If any SDO fails, all remaining SDOs in this queue are canceled.
- using CompletionCallback = std::function< void(SdoState)>
void set_completion_callback(CompletionCallback callback)
Set a callback to be invoked if the entire collection is completed, either successfully or in failure). -
void mark_completed(SdoState state)
Set to mark the entire queue as completed with the given state. Invokes the completion callback. -
bool empty()
Return true if the collection is empty. -
void cancel()
Cancel all remaining SDOs. -
QueuedSdo pop_front()
Pop the next SDO off the queue. -
void push_upload(SdoIndex index, std::function< void(SdoResult)> callback, std::chrono::nanoseconds timeout)
Adds an ‘upload’ SDO onto the queue. -
void push_download(SdoIndex index, ark::core::ByteBuffer data, std::function< void(SdoResult)> callback, std::chrono::nanoseconds timeout)
Adds an ‘download’ SDO onto the queue.