
Defined in header “ark/comms/websocket_client.hh”.

Configuration for the websocket client. Allows you to adjust various settings for your connection.


  • std::chrono::nanoseconds client_timeout= std::chrono::seconds{3}
    If the websocket client hasn’t received any messages in the given number of milliseconds, then the connection times out.

  • std::chrono::nanoseconds ping_interval= std::chrono::milliseconds{333}
    Interval that ping messages are sent out.

  • compression::CompressionType request_compression= compression::CompressionType::Lz4
    If we are requesting compression or not. The server may not obey. Supports either LZ4 or Zstd compression.

  • bool request_throttling_protocol= false
    If we are requesting to use the throttling protocol or not. The server may not obey.

  • core::Url url
    The URL to try to connect to.