

  • ark::config::detail::RegisteredConfig
    This is used to store some information about a processed ‘config’ within the package, including the raw YAML and the default option that will be used.


Declared in “ark/config/config_package.hh”:

  • std::string json_to_config(const serialization::JsonBlob & input)
    Converts the given JSON blob into string-form of parsable YAML.

  • std::string json_to_metadata(const std::string & name, const serialization::JsonBlob & input)
    Converts the given JSON blob into a string-form of parsable YAML, in the metadata format. The metadata stores a single key, with the specified name.

  • std::string extract_metadata_yaml(const RegisteredConfig & config, const std::string & metadata_name)
    Extracts the given metadata name from the specified config block (if present) and returns the result as a configuration YAML.

  • std::string extract_metadata_overrides(const RegisteredConfig & config, const std::string & metadata_name)
    Extracts the given metadata-overrides from the config block (if present) and returns the result as an override YAML.