
Defined in header “ark/logging/local_log_registry.hh”.

A file-based log registry. Expects logs to be on-disk. Logs are simply directly read.


  • LocalLogRegistry(LocalLogRegistryConfiguration config)
    Initializes a new log registry.

  • ~LocalLogRegistry()
    Virtual destructor, for cleanup.

  • const LocalLogRegistryConfiguration & config()
    Returns the configuration used to construct this registry.

  • core::Url key_to_url(const std::string & key_name)
    Returns a URL that is suitable for requesting the given key name from this registry. If this is a file registry, this could be a file path. If this is a remote registry, it would be the URL to that file.

  • std::string read_into_buffer(const std::string & key_name)
    Reads the given path into a string, and returns that string to you. This can block for some time, and will throw if there is an error.

  • LogFileHandlePtr read(const std::string & key_name)
    Opens the given file handle, based on key name. This returns a shared pointer to the file handle. You own the lifetime of this object you can invoke close() or let it fall out of scope as you wish.