
Defined in header “ark/logging/log_reader.hh”.

A log reader allows you to open a previously saved log from disk and access all of the saved data. Further, you can apply “queries” to this data, allowing you to filter the results down to what you want.


  • LogReader(LogReaderConfiguration config)
    Constructor. Initializes a new log reader.

  • LogReader(const std::filesystem::path & path)
    Constructor. Initializes a new log reader, loading the log from the local path supplied. This is equivalent to calling ‘create_reader_config_from_path()’ and passing that config to the main constructor.

  • LogReader(const core::Url & url)
    Constructor. Initializes a new log reader, loading the log from the local path supplied. This is equivalent to calling ‘create_reader_config_from_url()’ and passing that config to the main constructor.

  • ~LogReader()
    Destructor, hiding private details.

  • const Manifest & manifest()
    Returns the loaded manifest of this log.

  • ReadCursor create_read_cursor()
    Constructs a read cursor that iterates over every piece of data in the log.

  • ReadCursor create_read_cursor(const Query & query)
    Construct a read cursor that filters data based on the given query.

  • ReadCursor create_read_cursor(std::initializer_list< std::string > message_names)
    Construct a read cursor that iterates over the given channels.