

  • UploadType
    An enumeration of potential artifact types, so we know where to upload these objects.


Defined in “ark/main/main_offboard.hh”:

  • using ArgumentsParsedCallback = std::function< void(pipeline::Pipeline &, const core::ArgumentParseResult &)>
    A callback function for letting you know that arguments have been parsed, including the result of that parse.


Defined in “ark/main/catalog.hh”:



Declared in “ark/main/catalog.hh”:

  • void assign_external_attachment(const core::Url & catalog_url, const core::Guid & artifact_id, const std::vector< GeneratedAttachment > & attachments)
    Takes the given set of attachments and registers them against the catalog at the given URL, for the specified artifact identifier.

Declared in “ark/main/details_offboard.hh”:

  • core::ArgumentParser get_onboard_argument_parser(const MainOnboardConfiguration & config)
    Returns the argument parser that we will use to parse command line arguments within main(), for the onboard stack, based on the configuration.

  • core::ArgumentParser get_offboard_argument_parser(const MainOffboardConfiguration & config)
    Returns the argument parser that we will use to parse command line arguments within main(), for the offboard stack, based on the configuration.

  • logging::LogReaderStageConfiguration get_log_reader_stage_configuration(const MainOffboardConfiguration & config, const std::optional< std::string > & log_url)
    Returns a log reader stage configuration that will be attached to the pipeline.

  • image::VideoEncodingStageConfig get_video_encoder_stage_configuration(const core::ArgumentParseResult & results)
    Given the argument parser results, returns a encoder stage configuration that will be attached to the pipeline.

  • image::ThumbnailGenerationStageConfig get_thumbnail_generation_stage_configuration(const core::ArgumentParseResult & results)
    Given the argument parser results, returns a thumbnail generator configuration that will be attached to the pipeline. Uses the video output path to generate a filename for the thumbnails.

  • void execute_logging_callbacks(pipeline::Pipeline & pipeline, const MainOffboardConfiguration & config, const std::string & log_url)
    Invoked against the specified configurations to execute (or not execute) the log opened callbacks.

Declared in “ark/main/dot_output.hh”:

  • void emit_standard_dotfile(pipeline::Pipeline && pipeline)
    Emits a standard dotfile to standard output, and nothing else. Effectively calls the pipeline code to generate a dotfile. Some channels/stages that main knows about are ignored to improve overall clarity.

Declared in “ark/main/main_offboard.hh”:

  • int execute_realtime_pipeline(int argc, const char ** argv, pipeline::Pipeline && pipeline, const MainOffboardConfiguration & config)
    This function wraps common functionality, allowing you to instantiate a standard pipeline-like program from the command line. It provides standard command line interfaces (and argument parsing), along with installing hooks and allowing execution of the pipeline.

    Returns a value that can be used as the exit code from main(). Zero indicates success, anything else indicates failure.

  • int execute_simclock_pipeline(int argc, const char ** argv, pipeline::Pipeline && pipeline, const MainOffboardConfiguration & config)
    This function wraps common functionality, allowing you to instantiate a standard pipeline-like program from the command line. It provides standard command line interfaces (and argument parsing), along with installing hooks and allowing execution of the pipeline.

    Returns a value that can be used as the exit code from main(). Zero indicates success, anything else indicates failure.

Declared in “ark/main/main_onboard.hh”:

  • int execute_onboard_pipeline(int argc, const char ** argv, pipeline::Pipeline && pipeline, const MainOnboardConfiguration & config)
    This function wraps common functionality, allowing you to instantiate a standard pipeline-like program from the command line. It provides standard command line interfaces (and argument parsing), along with installing hooks and allowing execution of the pipeline.

    Returns a value that can be used as the exit code from main(). Zero indicates success, anything else indicates failure.

Declared in “ark/main/test_initialization.hh”:

  • void test_pipeline_initialization(pipeline::Pipeline && pipeline, const std::function< void(const pipeline::Pipeline &)> & validation_function)
    Tests that the given pipeline can be initialized. Throws if there is any error during the initialization process.

  • void test_pipeline_connections(pipeline::Pipeline && pipeline)
    Tests that the given pipeline has all of its connections established. Throws if there is a connection that is missing.

Declared in “ark/main/upload.hh”:

  • void upload_artifacts_to_bucket(const core::Url & catalog_url, const core::Guid & target_artifact_id, const std::vector< GeneratedArtifact > & artifacts)
    Uploads the given paths to the specified bucket. Preserves the filename (copying the filename as-is into the desired location).

  • void upload_artifacts_to_bucket(const core::Url & catalog_url, const std::string & catalog_token, const core::Guid & target_artifact_id, const std::vector< GeneratedArtifact > & artifacts)
    Uploads the given paths to the specified bucket. Preserves the filename (copying the filename as-is into the desired location). This API is intended for testing, where we need to pass in additional information to use local endpoints.