
Defined in header “ark/pipeline/testing/collector_stage.hh”.

A stage that consumes every object it receives, allowing you to iterate through them later. Useful for testing, to ensure you are producing the outputs you expect.


  • CollectorStage(std::string channel_name, const std::string & name)
    Constructor. Initialize against the channel you want to read from.

  • void initialize(pipeline::StageInterface & interface)
    Called from the executor when we are initialized.

  • std::vector< ObjectType > objects_received()
    Returns the list of objects received.

  • size_t objects_received_count()
    Returns a thread-safe count of objects received.

  • std::vector< ObjectType > pop_objects()
    Pops all of the objects off the collector, resetting the internal list to zero, and returning what was collected so far.