
Defined in header “ark/pipeline/periodic_timer.hh”.

A timer that is used to execute a function periodically. That function takes in the current time. This allows you to deterministically execute functions at some fixed rate.


  • PeriodicTimer(PeriodicTimerConfiguration config)
    Constructor. Initialize a timer with the given configuration.

  • ~PeriodicTimer()
    Virtual destructor, for cleanup.

  • void reset_to_time(const std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point & time)
    Resets the timer to the given timestamp. No executions will occur, and future ticks/elapsed calls will be relative to this timestamp. All elapsed time will be erased.

  • bool tick(const std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point & now)
    Called periodically with the current clock (virtual or otherwise). This will register the times that a timer should execute, so that downstream code can take care of executing them.

    Returns true if execute() will need to be invoked, false otherwise.

  • size_t queue_size()
    Returns the number of executions remaining (the number of times you can invoke execute()).

  • bool pop(TimerWorkItem & item, std::chrono::nanoseconds * expected_runtime)
    Pops the oldest execution off the queue and returns a work item. This is the first phase of execution, allowing you to deterministically pop an execution time off the timer, and execute it in a background thread.

    Returns true if the pop was successful, false if the queue is empty.

  • void execute_work_item(TimerWorkItem && item)
    The second half of timer execution. Consumes the given timer work item as received from pop(), taking ownership of it, and then invokes the callback.

  • bool execute()
    Pops the oldest execution off the queue and executes the callback against it. Returns true if something was executed, or false otherwise.

  • std::chrono::nanoseconds time_remaining(const std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point & now)
    Returns the amount of time left before the next execution, based on the given timestamp.

  • TimerStatistics statistics()
    Returns statistics related to this timer.

  • TimerCallbackTimings timings()
    Returns timing information related to this timer’s callback.

  • std::chrono::nanoseconds configured_expected_runtime()
    Returns the configured execution time for this timer.

  • std::chrono::nanoseconds dynamic_expected_runtime(const TimerWorkItem & item)
    Returns the dynamic execution time for this timer.

  • std::string name()
    Returns the human-readable name assigned to the timer.