Defined in header “ark/plotting/gui/object_search_table_model.hh”.
A table model that allows you to quickly search and select objects. The list of objects must be poplated from an external source.
- using Columns =
A list of columns, in display-order.
ObjectSearchTableModel(QObject * parent)
Constructor. -
Destructor. Implemented privately to hide details. -
int rowCount(const QModelIndex & parent)
Returns a count of rows for this model. -
int columnCount(const QModelIndex & parent)
Returns the count of columns for this model. -
QVariant data(const QModelIndex & index, int role)
Returns the raw data for the given model index. -
std::string subscriber_name(int row)
Returns the channel/field name from the given row, in the display role. -
Qt::ItemFlags flags(const QModelIndex & index)
Returns flags for a given column. Used to mark if something is selectable or not. -
QVariant headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role)
Returns the header names at the given column. -
void set_data(const std::vector< SearchableObject > & objects)
Sets the list of searchable objects that we should display. TODO(dtascione): Can be moved into a top-level library and just pass in the actual field list. -
void set_row_selected(int row, bool selected)
Selects or unselects data at the given row (depending on the selected boolean). -
bool is_row_selected(int row)
Returns true if the given row is selected, false otherwise. -
std::optional< int > row_at_subscriber_name(const std::string & subscriber_name)
Returns the row number for the given subscriber name, if any.