Defined in “ark/serialization/yyjson_forward.hh”:
constexpr auto yyjson_obj_iter_size= 48
Used to allocate storage without a separate allocation. -
constexpr auto yyjson_arr_iter_size= 32
Used to allocate storage without a separate allocation.
Declared in “ark/serialization/file.hh”:
void write_serializable_type_to_buffer(core::ByteBuffer & content, const std::string & schema, const std::string & type_name)
Internal implementation of write_serializable_type_to_buffer, used to hide some implementation details from the public header. -
void write_serializable_type_to_file(const std::filesystem::path & path, const std::string_view & content, const std::string & schema, const std::string & type_name, core::WriteOptions options)
Internal implementation of write_serializable_type_to_file, used to hide some implementation details from the public header. -
std::string read_serializable_type_from_file(const std::filesystem::path & path, uint64_t & content_offset, uint64_t & trailer_offset, uint64_t & trailer_size)
Internal implementation of read_serializable_type_from_file, used to hide some implementation details from the public header.
Declared in “ark/serialization/yyjson_helpers.hh”:
- uint32_t make_yyjson_write_flags(int32_t indent)
Creates yyjson write flags based on the given settings (indention level).