Defined in header “ark/serialization/json_reader.hh”.
A wrapper over a JSON value, allowing you to check the type and get the underlying value out.
JsonReadValueType type()
Returns the type of this value. -
bool is_null()
Returns true if this value is null. -
std::string as_str()
Returns the value of this object, as a string. -
JsonObjectIterator object_iterator()
Returns an iterator for this object (iterating through object fields). -
JsonArrayIterator array_iterator()
Returns an iterator for this array (iterating through array fields). -
void get_to(Type & destination)
Retrieves the current value into the given object, throwing if there is a type mismatch that cannot be converted automatically. -
Type get()
Retrieves the current value as the given type, throwing if there is a type mismatch that cannot be converted automatically. -
void get_to(Type & destination)
Retrieves the current value into the given object, leaving the default value alone if there is an unknown value. Assumes the enum is a string that needs to be converted back.