
Defined in header “ark/supervisor/tools/utility.hh”.

This class allows you to construct a receiver for incoming status messages. They are queued and can be read at your leisure.


  • CommandStatusSubscriber()
    Constructor, initializes internal state.

  • ~CommandStatusSubscriber()
    Destructor, destroyus internal state.

  • void connect(core::Url host_url, const std::string & comms_namespace, std::chrono::milliseconds timeout)
    Connects against the given namespace and URL. Throws after the timeout.

  • uint64_t disconnect_count()
    Returns number of times we’ve experienced a disconnection.

  • bool connected()
    Returns true if connected, false otherwise.

  • std::optional< SupervisorCommandStatus > poll(std::chrono::nanoseconds duration)
    Polls and returns any read status messages.