Defined in header “ark/comms/stages/udp_socket_stage.hh”.
A generic UDP socket interface stage that will listen to a given UDP port an publish any packets received onto the configured channel.
UdpSocketStage(std::string name)
void initialize(pipeline::StageInterface & interface)
Called on initialization, when a pipeline is first starting. A context is passed into the initialization routine, which allows you to register callbacks and timers. -
void start()
Indicates that the system has settled and you should begin any threads or processing. Note that the pipeline will be executing asynchronously with code in start(). -
void shutdown()
Called on shutdown, when the pipeline is finishing execution. All stages with threads should stop their threads at this point. The thread pool will continue to execute until all outstanding work is done. -
bool is_bound()
Returns true if we are bound; false otherwise. This is intended to be used for testing. -
NetworkAddress get_bound_address()
Returns the bound address of this socket stage. This is intended for testing, to allow people to send packets to this stage.