Defined in header “ark/core/circular_buffer.hh”.
An iterator, used for iterating through items in a circular buffer (or for things like sorting).
using difference_type = int
using value_type = Type
using pointer = std::conditional_t< IsConst, const Type *, Type * >
using reference = typename std::conditional< IsConst, const Type &, Type & >::type
using ParentT = std::conditional_t< IsConst, const CircularBuffer< Type >, CircularBuffer< Type > >
using iterator_category = std::random_access_iterator_tag
CircularBufferIterator(ParentT * parent, size_t index)
Initializes to a given index. -
reference & operator*()
CircularBufferIterator< Type, IsConst > & operator++()
Pre increment. -
CircularBufferIterator< Type, IsConst > operator++()
Post increment. -
CircularBufferIterator< Type, IsConst > & operator–()
Pre decrement. -
CircularBufferIterator< Type, IsConst > operator–()
Post decrement. -
CircularBufferIterator< Type, IsConst > operator-(int rhs)
Subtract the given amount from this operator. -
CircularBufferIterator< Type, IsConst > operator+(int rhs)
Add the given amount of this operator. -
CircularBufferIterator< Type, IsConst > operator-=(int rhs)
Subtract the given amount from this operator. -
CircularBufferIterator< Type, IsConst > operator+=(int rhs)
Add the given amount of this operator. -
bool operator==(const CircularBufferIterator< Type, IsConst > & rhs)
Is this iterator the same as the other? -
bool operator!=(const CircularBufferIterator< Type, IsConst > & rhs)
Is this iterator different from the other? -
bool operator<=(const CircularBufferIterator< Type, IsConst > & rhs)
Does this iterator come before (or equal to) the right hand iterator? -
bool operator>=(const CircularBufferIterator< Type, IsConst > & rhs)
Does this iterator come after (or equal to) the right hand iterator? -
bool operator<(const CircularBufferIterator< Type, IsConst > & rhs)
Does this iterator come before the right hand iterator? -
bool operator>(const CircularBufferIterator< Type > & rhs)
Does this iterator come after the right hand iterator? -
int operator-(const CircularBufferIterator< Type, IsConst > & rhs)
Returns difference between the two iterators.