
Defined in header “ark/logging/split_reader.hh”.

A split reader is used by the column readers to read data out from split files in an organized fashion.


  • SplitReader(SplitReaderConfiguration config)
    Constructor. Initializes a new split reader.

  • ~SplitReader()
    Destructor. Cleans up (and potentially throws!) if close() was not called before hand.

  • SplitReader(const SplitReader & other)
    Explicit copy constructor, since we are dealing with file pointers.

  • SplitReader & operator=(const SplitReader & other)
    Copy operator, since we are working with file pointers.

  • void close()
    Closes the file up, removing all mappings and releasing all resources.

  • bool step(LoggedObject & object)
    Populates the given logged object with the next object that is being read from the log. Returns true on success, or false if you have no more objects to read.

    This is a blocking call, and can throw on errors.

  • bool peek(LoggingClock::time_point & indexed_time)
    Peeks into the future, returning the timestamp of the next logged object. Returns false if there is no more data to read.