Enumerations of potential authentication mechanisms. -
An enumeration of various job statuses. -
CloudwatchPutLogResult (int32_t)
Returned when putting log events to CloudWatch to indicate that you should create the stream and try again. -
LogStreamRequestStatus (int32_t)
Represents a status coming back from querying a log stream for data.
Defined in “ark/aws/auth_client.hh”:
- using IdentityProviderClientPtr = std::shared_ptr< IdentityProviderClient >
Defined in “ark/aws/forward.hh”:
using JwksClientPtr = std::shared_ptr< JwksClient >
using CloudwatchClientPtr = std::shared_ptr< CloudwatchClient >
using CloudwatchLogsClientPtr = std::shared_ptr< CloudwatchLogsClient >
using S3ClientPtr = std::shared_ptr< S3Client >
using KmsClientPtr = std::shared_ptr< KmsClient >
using EcrClientPtr = std::shared_ptr< EcrClient >
using StsClientPtr = std::shared_ptr< StsClient >
Defined in “ark/aws/lambda_host.hh”:
- using LambdaFunction = std::function< void()>
The function signature for code that executes in the lambda.
Defined in “ark/aws/s3client.hh”:
- using S3ProgressCallback = std::function< void(uint64_t)>
This callback will be invoked periodically while downloading and uploading data, giving you the number of bytes currently transmitted.
A simple plugin that will prompt user for username/password to retrieve AWS Credentials via cognito. -
This class will look for any stored authentication data in the user’s HOME directory. -
A simple singleton that allows us to transparently handle initializing and tearing down the AWS SDK. -
An AWS-specific SRP authenticator. There are some minor differences from the true SRP protocol (near as I can tell) and this abstracts over them. -
A wrapper around the AWS batch APIs, allowing you to submit jobs and check on their status. -
A wrapper around AWS CloudWatch client for post metrics. -
A wrapper around an CloudWatchLogs client allowing you to post logs events to cloudwatch. -
This class represents a mock AWS CloudwatchLogs server to handle log messages. -
This class represents a mock AWS CloudWatch server to handle metrics. Posts will be captured and transformed into a MetricsRequest and written to disk at the input root_path location. The purpose of this class is to aid in the testing of posting metrics to CloudWatch. -
This is a Cognito “user pool” emulator something that allows us to register groups/users/etc against a user pool, useful for integration tests. -
A wrapper around the AWS ECR APIs to retrieve the authorization token to access the registry. -
This class represents a mock AWS ECR server, which allows you to create repositories and authenticate. -
An identity provider client allows you to talk to an IDP to authenticate, list groups, users, etc, based on what permissions your existing token already has. -
This class allows you to fetch, maintain, and validate JWT tokens against a JWK set. -
This is a wrapper around the AWS key management client, and provides facilities for creation of keys, signing data, and downloading public keys. -
This class represents a mock AWS KMS server, which allows you to generate keys and sign data. -
You can use this to host a function this will interact with the AWS lambda APIs to allow you to run a function as a lambda on the AWS architecture.See for more details.
A wrapper around an S3 client. Allows you to upload/download files from a bucket. -
This class represents a mock AWS S3 server, which allows you to upload and download content using the standard S3 APIs. -
This is a wrapper around the AWS simple queue service client, for communication with their queue service. -
This class represents a mock AWS SQS server, which allows you to receive messages. -
A wrapper around the AWS Security Token Service Client APIs. -
This class represents a mock AWS STS server to hand out fake credentials. -
A request to the cloud to initiate an authentication. -
State of authentiation. -
Structure that mirrors the reponse of the STS::GetCallerIdentity request. -
A structure that represents details of the job you wish to submit. -
This structure allows you to configure retry criteria for a batch job. -
Returns the state of the batch job. -
Populate this structure to create a new group. -
Request to register a new user pool client. -
A response for creating a user pool client, containing the client ID and secret. -
A credentials request, turning a JWT “id_token” into a set of AWS credentials. The ‘id_token’ parameter is retrieved through the ‘authenticate’ API. -
A request to delete some number of messages from the remote SQS. -
A structure that represents token for accessing ecr resources. -
Configuration values for IdentityProviderClient. -
A structure that represents details of the stream you wish to query. -
A structure that is returned from downloading cloudwatch logs, giving you some information about the stream that was downloaded. -
A policy for uploading files indicates additional settings for the uploaded file. -
A request to receive a message over the SQS. -
A message that was received from the remote SQS system. -
File metadata (such as size, modification time, etc). -
Configuration for the S3 server. -
An upload request. Contains all the various pieces of information useful for uploading to S3.
Declared in “ark/aws/authenticator.hh”:
AuthenticationConfig get_default_authenticator_config()
Returns a default authenticator configuration, used for most of our services at the moment. -
AuthenticationConfig get_local_authenticator_config()
Returns the machine-local authenticator configuration, as saved on disk. If none is present, returns the default authenticator config.
Declared in “ark/aws/batch_client.hh”:
- BatchJobState event_to_job_state(const std::string & event_json)
Parses the given batch sample event (coming from Event Bridge) into a BatchJobState object. Assumes the event comes directly over the Event Bridge, and is in JSON.
Declared in “ark/aws/configuration.hh”:
- Aws::Client::ClientConfiguration default_client_configuration(const core::Url & endpoint)
Returns a default configuration to use by all of the constructors.
Declared in “ark/aws/credentials_provider.hh”:
AwsTemporaryCredentials get_local_credentials(const std::string & creds_file_path, const std::string & profile)
Query the local system for the aws credentials If creds_file_path is empty, system will default to the default profile in ~/.aws/credentials. -
std::optional< std::shared_ptr< Aws::Auth::AWSCredentialsProvider > > get_cognito_provider(const CredentialProviderConfig & config)
Retrieve an AWS Credentials provider based on the given configuration Currently only Anon Cognito provider is supported. -
std::optional< AuthenticationProfile > load_local_profile(const std::string & creds_file_path, const std::string & profile_name, const std::string & ark_config_path)
Query the local system for the aws credentials If creds_file_path is empty, system will default to the default profile in ~/.aws/credentials. -
void save_credentials_profile(const AuthenticationProfile & profile_data, const std::string & creds_file_path, const std::string & ark_config_path, const std::string & aws_config_path, bool set_default_profile)
Save the profile and credentials. -
std::optional< std::string > load_ark_config_profile(const std::string & ark_config_path)
Read ark specific configuration from our own config file.
Declared in “ark/aws/ecr_client.hh”:
- void decode_ecr_token(const std::string & token, std::string & username, std::string & password)
Helper function to decode base64 encoded authorization tokens. The encoded username and password are returned.
Declared in “ark/aws/oauth_client.hh”:
- std::string authenticate_via_oath(ark::core::Url & server_url, const std::string & client_id, const std::string & client_secret, const std::string & scope)
Authenticates against the given oauth server URL with the given client ID and secret. Returns a JWT access token. This is a remote call and may block.
Declared in “ark/aws/refresh_credentials.hh”:
- std::string try_refresh_credentials()
Tries to refresh the AWS credentials silently. Returns the JWT access token on success, or an empty string on failure. Logs at a higher verbosity level, so users do not normally see this output.
Declared in “ark/aws/user_pool_helpers.hh”:
std::pair< std::string, std::string > split_user_pool(const std::string & pool_id)
Splits up an AWS user pool into a region and pool ID. -
std::string get_user_pool_url(const std::string & pool_id)
Returns the base identity provider URL for the given user pool. -
std::string get_user_pool_domain(const std::string & pool_id, const std::string & domain_prefix)
Returns the user pool domain (full) for the given domain prefix, based on the pool ID and prefix.