Defined in “ark/geometry/forward.hh”:
using Transform2f = Transform2< float >
using Transform2d = Transform2< double >
using Transform3f = Transform3< float >
using Transform3d = Transform3< double >
Interface for the Adafruit PCA 9685 PWM board.This is a refactored version of the provided arduino driver software.
Plugin for testing Adafruit device input/output. -
Stage intended for testing purposes only to send/receive messages from Adafruit device. -
Helper class to make setting up a transform network listener in an ark stage. -
State information to store for each channel.
Declared in “ark/calibration/crl/loader.hh”:
CrlCalibration load_crl_calibration(const std::filesystem::path & path)
Transform3d to_parent_from_frame(const CrlExtrinsicsCalibration & extrinsics)
void populate_transform_network(TransformNetwork & tf, const CrlCalibration & calibration)
Declared in “ark/geometry/transform.hh”:
Transform2f operator*(const Transform2f & lhs, const Transform2f & rhs)
Transform2d operator*(const Transform2d & lhs, const Transform2d & rhs)
std::ostream & operator«(std::ostream & os, const Transform2f & dst_from_src)
std::ostream & operator«(std::ostream & os, const Transform2d & dst_from_src)
Transform3f operator*(const Transform3f & lhs, const Transform3f & rhs)
Transform3d operator*(const Transform3d & lhs, const Transform3d & rhs)
Eigen::Matrix3Xf operator*(const Transform3f & lhs, const Eigen::Matrix3Xf & rhs)
Eigen::Matrix3Xd operator*(const Transform3d & lhs, const Eigen::Matrix3Xd & rhs)
Transform3f interpolate(const Transform3f & start, const Transform3f & end, float t)
Interpolate between the two transformations. -
Transform3d interpolate(const Transform3d & start, const Transform3d & end, double t)
std::ostream & operator«(std::ostream & os, const Transform3f & dst_from_src)
std::ostream & operator«(std::ostream & os, const Transform3d & dst_from_src)
Eigen::Matrix2Xf operator*(const Transform2f & lhs, const Eigen::Matrix2Xf & rhs)
Eigen::Matrix2Xd operator*(const Transform2d & lhs, const Eigen::Matrix2Xd & rhs)
Declared in “ark/simulation/sim_world2.hh”:
- std::vector< double > simulate_lidar2(const SimWorld2 & world, const Transform3d & world_from_lidar, const SimLidar2 & lidar)
Declared in “ark/simulation/visualization.hh”:
gui::RendererLayer to_gui_layer(const std::string & frame_id, const SimWorld2 & world)
gui::RendererLayer to_gui_layer(const std::string & name, const Transform3d & world_from_lidar, const SimLidar2 & lidar, const std::vector< double > & returns)
Declared in “ark/vehicle/state.hh”:
double compute_slip_angle(const VehicleParams & params, double front_wheel_angle_radians)
Compute the slip angle at the vehicle center of gravity given the front wheel angle. -
VehicleState bicycle_forward_propogate(const VehicleParams & params, std::chrono::nanoseconds dt, VehicleState state, VehicleControlState control)
Forward propogate the vehicle state based on the given control inputs. -
TrajectoryPoint get_bicycle_trajectory_point(const VehicleParams & params, const Trajectory & trajectory, std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point timestamp)
Get the trajectory point for the given timestamp. -
VehicleState tricycle_forward_propogate(const VehicleParams & params, std::chrono::nanoseconds dt, VehicleState state, VehicleControlState control)
Forward propogate the tricycle vehicle state based on the given control inputs. -
TrajectoryPoint get_tricycle_trajectory_point(const VehicleParams & params, const Trajectory & trajectory, std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point timestamp)
Get the trajectory point for the given timestamp.